外れスキル「影が薄い」を持つギルド職員が、実は伝説の暗殺者 = The guild official with weak skill "VANISH" is actually legendary assassin 2
悠久の愚者アズリーの、賢者のすゝめと、ポチの大冒険 = The principle of a philosopher by eternal fool "Asley" The great adventure of Pochi 9
悠久の愚者アズリーの、賢者のすゝめと、ポチの大冒険 = The principle of a philosopher by eternal fool "Asley" The great adventure of Pochi 5
悠久の愚者アズリーの、賢者のすゝめと、ポチの大冒険 = The principle of a philosopher by eternal fool "Asley" The great adventure of Pochi 8
悠久の愚者アズリーの、賢者のすゝめと、ポチの大冒険 = The principle of a philosopher by eternal fool "Asley" The great adventure of Pochi 1